Stolen Girl - I was an innocent schoolgirl. I was targeted, raped and abused by a gang of sadistic men. But that was just the beginning ... this is my terrifying true story
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Stolen Girl - I was an innocent schoolgirl. I was targeted, raped and abused by a gang of sadistic men. But that was just the beginning ... this is my terrifying true story

Stolen Girl - I was an innocent schoolgirl. I was targeted, raped and abused by a gang of sadistic men. But that was just the beginning ... this is my terrifying true story


Katie was an innocent 13-year-old schoolgirl when she was targeted, raped and abused by a gang of sadistic men. But that was just the beginning...Bullied from an early age Katie had low self-esteem which made her a prime target for the paedophile that followed her home from school. In the following [...]
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