Artful Profiles of Trout, Char, and Salmon and the Classic Flies That Catch Them: Tips, Tactics, and Advice on Taking Our Favorite Gamefish
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Artful Profiles of Trout, Char, and Salmon and the Classic Flies That Catch Them: Tips, Tactics, and Advice on Taking Our Favorite Gamefish

Artful Profiles of Trout, Char, and Salmon and the Classic Flies That Catch Them: Tips, Tactics, and Advice on Taking Our Favorite Gamefish


It is with passion and clarity that Dave Whitlock describes trout, salmon, char, and how to fly fish for them. Artful Profiles of Trout, Char, and Salmon and the Flies That Catch Them is a collection of articles spanning Whitlock's career, all of which are essential reading for any fly-fisher. Over [...]
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