Small Holding And Cottage Gardens - Instructions And Plans For - Planting And Cropping - Flower And Market Garden Produce - Profitable Fruit Culture - Three Year's Trading Accounts - Profitable Poultry Keeping
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Small Holding And Cottage Gardens - Instructions And Plans For - Planting And Cropping - Flower And Market Garden Produce - Profitable Fruit Culture - Three Year's Trading Accounts - Profitable Poultry Keeping

Small Holding And Cottage Gardens - Instructions And Plans For - Planting And Cropping - Flower And Market Garden Produce - Profitable Fruit Culture - Three Year's Trading Accounts - Profitable Poultry Keeping


Originally published in 1915. The illustrated contents include: Bees and Bee Keeping - Laying out a Small Holding - Working the Land - Arrangement of Fruit Trees - Garden Plans - Planting and Arranging Plots - Cash Accounts - Small Garden Plots - Poultry Rearing and Keeping etc. Many of the earliest [...]
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