Hunting Dogs - Describes In A Practical Manner The Training, Handling, Treatment, Breeds, Etc., Best Adapted For Night Hunting As Well As Gun Dogs For Daylight Sport
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Hunting Dogs - Describes In A Practical Manner The Training, Handling, Treatment, Breeds, Etc., Best Adapted For Night Hunting As Well As Gun Dogs For Daylight Sport

Hunting Dogs - Describes In A Practical Manner The Training, Handling, Treatment, Breeds, Etc., Best Adapted For Night Hunting As Well As Gun Dogs For Daylight Sport


Originally published in 1909. The book describes in a practical manner the training, handling, treatment, breeds, etc best adapted for night hunting as well as gun dogs for daylight sport. The illustrated contents include: Hunting Dogs - Breeding and Care of Dogs - Dog Lore - Training - The Hunting [...]
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