"There are few self-help books more resolutley down to earth than "Happier"...Ben Shahar provides straightforward guidelines for integrating habits of gratitude and accepting negative emotions into daily life". ("Observer", Jan 2012).[...]
Do you want your life to be perfect? We're all laboring under our own and society's expectations to be perfect in every way - to look younger, to make more money, to be happy all the time. But according to Tal Ben-Shahar, the "New York Times" bestselling author of "Happier", the pursuit of perfect m[...]
Learn to be Happier. Week by Week. In this week-by-week guided journal, Tal Ben-Shahar offers a full year'sworth of exercises to inspire happiness every day. Using the groundbreakingprinciples of positive psychology that he taught in his wildly popularcourse at Harvard University and that inspired [...]
"Can You Learn to Be Happy?" "There are few self-help books more resolutley down to earth than Happier...Ben Shahar provides straightforward guidelines for integrating habits of gratitude and accepting negative emotions into daily life." ("Observer", January 2012). Yes ...according to the teacher of[...]
We have more choices than we realize. In fact, according to positive psychology expert Tal Ben-Shahar, our entire life is made of choices, large and small. It is what we choose moment by moment and day by day--to do, to feel, to experience--that determines how happy and fulfilled we are. Every momen[...]
What kind of life do you want for yourself? What choices will create this kind of life?
In his "New York Times"bestseller "Happier," positive psychology expert Tal Ben-Shahar taught us how to become happier through simple exercises.
Now, in "Choose the Life You Want," he has a new, life-ch[...]
Nos esforzamos dia a dia para alcanzar un imposible. Queremos parecer mas jovenes, ganar mas dinero, vivir una vida plena y destacar en los deportes. Sin embargo, segun Tal Ben Shahar, prestigioso profesor de la universidad de Harvard, la busqueda de la perfeccion es el principal motivo de nuestra i[...]
Kan man lære seg å bli lykkelig? Svaret er ja. Det begynte som forelesninger for en håndfull studenter, utviklet seg til det mest populære kurset på Harvard. Med utgangspunkt i det nye forskningsområdet positiv psykologi, hjelper forfatteren deg til å forstå hva lykke virkelig er og hvordan [...]
Mange af os ligger under for en forestilling om, at vi på alle områder i vores liv skal være perfekte for at være lykkelige - men denne evige jagt på det perfekte er ofte den allerstørste hindring for at få et lykkeligt liv.
Med udgangspunkt i den positive psykologi gør forfatteren o[...]
Kan man lära sig att bli lycklig? Svaret är ja!
Det började som en föreläsning för en handfull studenter och utvecklades till den mest populära kursen på Harvard och därefter till ett globalt fenomen.
Med utgångspunkt i den nya forskningsgrenen positiv psykologi , hj�[...]
"Onnellisemmaksi" -kirjan tavoite on yhdistää psykologisten tutkimusten painava sisältö ja self-help-kirjojen helppous samojen kansien väliin. Sen kirjoittaja, Harvardin yliopiston psykologian professori Tal Ben-Shahar, haluaa tuoda "positiivisen psykologian" tutkimustietoa ymmärrettävässä [...]
As Ben-Shahar himself writes, the dramas of life's 'big decisions' (which, almost by definition, are few and far between) should not hide the fact that in life we face choices all the time. Every moment of our waking lives we face choices whose cumulative effect on us is just as great, if not greate[...]