"Hands-on guidance on solving problems in jewelry-making." "Jewelry-Making Techniques: Problem Solving" departs from tradition by offering serious instruction to jewelry makers without assuming an advanced degree of prior knowledge. It presents a comprehensive survey of the core jewelry-making tech[...]
Practical Jewellery-Making Techniques: Problem Solving presents an overview of the core jewellery-making techniques but provides easier alternative solutions for achieving the same results as traditional methods. Each chapter is packed with unique ideas on how the jewellery maker can make tasks simp[...]
Kirja johdattelee korunteon perustekniikoihin, ja teoksen opastuksella voi tehdä niin sormuksia, solkia, riipuksia, korvakoruja kuin ketjujakin. Upeat, helpot korut -teoksessa on 35 esimerkkityötä, joissa käytetään erilaisia metalleja ja korukiviä.
Vaihe vaiheelta etenevien ohjeid[...]