Religionens plats i det offentliga rummet är ett av de mest omdiskuterade ämnena i vår tid. Samtidigt som frågor om mångkultur och pluralism blir av allt större betydelse finns det få tecken på att diskussionen om religion och religiositet kommer att minska i den närmaste framtiden.
In late July 2011, Norway was struck by the worst terror attacks in its history. In a fertilizer-bomb attack on Government Headquarters in Oslo and a one-hour-long shooting spree at the Labour Party Youth Camp at Utoya, seventy-seven people, mostly teenagers, were killed by Anders Behring Breivik. B[...]
In late July 2011, Norway was struck by the worst terror attacks in its history. In a fertilizer-bomb attack on Government Headquarters in Oslo and a one-hour-long shooting spree at the Labour Party Youth Camp at Utoya, seventy-seven people, mostly teenagers, were killed by Anders Behring Breivik. B[...]
Boken gir en innføring til sekularisme som teori og praksis, og gir et innblikk i sekularismens historie og i hva sekularisme er. Den introduserer noen av de mest sentrale sekularismeteoretikerne i moderne tid, som Charles Taylor, Talal Asad, John Rawls og Jürgen Habermas, og illustrerer "ikke-ves[...]
An important contribution to the literature on freedom of expression, the public sphere and Muslim minorities in Europe. The increased public presence and visibility of Muslims in Europe has long been seen by many Europeans as a challenge to hegemonic conceptions concerning the secular nature of mod[...]