The recent prominence of Islamic politics in the Middle East has raised important questions about society, politics and culture. It has posed a challenge to the main theoretical approaches in the social sciences from Marxism to modernization theory and it has given some credence to the idea that the[...]
In this magisterial work, Sami Zubaida draws on a distinguished career's worth of experience trying to understand the region to address the fundamental question in Middle East studies: what is the Middle East? He argues, controversially, that to see it through the prism of Islam, as it is convention[...]
Indholdsfortegnelse gengivet af Dansk Bibliotekscenter: Begreberne, deres oprindelse og historiske udvikling ; Institutionerne : domstole, qadi'er og mufti'er ; Sharia og politisk myndighed ; Reformernes tid : lovens statsliggørelse ; Sharia i nutidens debatter og institutioner : Ægypten ;Sharia-p[...]