The universe has seven divisions and the human consciousness has seven levels, which correspond to seven chakras in the human body. This book provides a proof of the above statement, based on the findings of various faiths and organisations, coupled with the personal experiences of the author after [...]
Jnana yoga is the method of finding an answer to the question 'Who am I?' It is the path to knowledge, self and God. This book presents practical methods leading to self or God realisation.[...]
For most people living ordinary lives, only 15 to 20 percent of the brain works. On awakening of the kundalini, dormant parts of the brain begin to work, and people achieve the extraordinary in their fields. Eventually, self-realisation dawns. This book defines kundalini and presents various methods[...]
Kundalini passes through seven chakras in the spine and uses three main nadir. The gradual awakening of the chakras transforms the personality and eventually makes one superhuman. This book is suitable for those who wish to convert insignificant life into something worthwhile and meaningful, and thu[...]