Death is an inevitable, yet mysterious event. Fiction is one way to imagine and gain knowledge of death. Death is very useful to literature, as it creates plot twists, suspense, mysteries, and emotional effects in narrations. But more importantly, stories about death seem to have an existential impo[...]
Zombies, vampires, and mummies are frequent stars of American horror films. But what does their cinematic omnipresence and audiences hunger for such films tell us about American views of death? Here, Outi Hakola investigates the ways in which American living-dead films have addressed death through d[...]
Uuden testamentin neljä evankeliumia ovat Raamatun keskeisintä aineistoa. Kirkkokäsikirjassa määritellään evankeliumiteksti joka sunnuntaille, ja näistä teksteistä saarnataan viikoittain kirkoissa joka puolella Suomea. Teologian tohtorit ja raamatuntutkijat Raimo Hakola ja Outi Lehtipuu ov[...]