The first book for daughters who have suffered the abuse of selfish, self-involved mothers, Will I Ever Be Good Enough? provides the expert assistance you need in order to overcome this debilitating history and reclaim your life. Drawing on more than two decades of experience as a therapist speciali[...]
Psychotherapist Dr. Karyl McBride provides a guide for daughters of narcissistic mothers to break free from the cycle of overachievement or self-sabotage and take control of their lives.[...]
Psychotherapist Dr. Karyl McBride provides a guide for daughters of narcissistic mothers to break free from the cycle of overachievement or self-sabotage and take control of their lives.[...]
Author of the bestseller "Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers "Dr. Karyl McBride draws on her expertise in treating children and partners damaged by narcissists in this practical new guide to divorce and its aftermath.
With more than three decades of experie[...]
Tuntuuko sinusta, että vaikka kuinka yrittäisit, äitisi ei ole koskaan tyytyväinen sinuun? Tuntuuko, että äitisi kilpailee kanssasi ja on sinulle kateellinen? Keskeyttääkö hän sinut ja alkaa puhua omista asioistaan? Onko äitisi sinua kohtaan ystävällinen vain silloin kun epäonnistut?Tu[...]