What if you could tell, just by looking at others, how they tend to think, feel, and behave? What if your partner's face revealed the best way to resolve any conflicts between you? And what if you could discover in your own face the wisdom that you need in order to be the best you that you can be?Ba[...]
People joke that your children don't come with a user's manual, but they're wrong. It's written in their faces and all you have to do is learn to read them. The secrets of your children's inner nature and personal potential are eloquently inscribed in the curve of their cheeks, the shape of their ey[...]
On the day you were born, you were imprinted with a plan and a purpose--elegant patterns that can be read to see who you really are and what your true calling is. And like your own personal tide table, the ebbs and flows of each phase of your life were set into motion on the day of your birth. Based[...]
On the day you were born, you were imprinted with a plan and a purpose - elegant patterns that can be read to see who you really are and what your true calling is. And like your own personal tide table, the ebbs and flows of each phase of your life were set into motion on the day of your birth. Base[...]
Kunsten å lese et ansikt er del av en urgammel kinesisk visdomstradisjon. Jean Haner åpner døren til en verden der rynkene i et ansikt ikke ansees som et estetisk problem som må forebygges eller fjernes, men i stedet sees som en hellig kalligrafi om en sjel i utvikling. Hun viser oss hvordan vi [...]