Based on a popular series, "Manvotionals" is a collection of the best advice ever written down for men. From the philosophy of Aristotle to the success books of the late 19th and early 20th centuries to the speeches and essays of Theodore Roosevelt, the book contains the manly wisdom of the ages - a[...]
This limited-edition collection contains a wealth of information and inspiration for the modern man. Included inside are the following books: The Art of Manliness. This book is dedicated to helping men uncover what manliness means in the 21st century, from rediscovering the outdoors to dressing with[...]
Generation X and Y is a generation of Lost Boys. We live in a Never-Never-Land where boys stay boys and never become men. More and more males today are putting off college, family, and adult responsibilities in order to play video games and do keg stands. "The Art of Manliness" is dedicated to helpi[...]