Alice Wexler - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Alice Wexler
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  1. Art and Disability (Inbunden)


    Alice Wexler

    ISBN: 9780230606296 - UTGIVEN: 2009-11

    This book argues that the arts are most effective when they are in service of social growth, which is so critical to identity formation and advances art education as a tool to achieve this end.[...]

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    från 843.00 kr
  2. Mapping Fate: A Memoir of Family, Risk, and Genetic Research (Övrig)


    Alice Wexler

    ISBN: 9780520207417 - UTGIVEN: 1996-12-30

    In "Mapping Fate", Alice Wexler tells the story of a family at risk for a hereditary, incurable, fatal disorder: Huntington's disease, once called Huntington's chorea. That her mother died of the disease, that her own chance of inheriting it was fifty-fifty, that her sister and father directed much [...]

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    från 307.00 kr