Byzantine Head Reliquaries and Their Perception in the West After 1204: A Case Study of the Reliquary of St. Anastasios the Persian in Aachen and Rela
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Byzantine Head Reliquaries and Their Perception in the West After 1204: A Case Study of the Reliquary of St. Anastasios the Persian in Aachen and Rela

Byzantine Head Reliquaries and Their Perception in the West After 1204: A Case Study of the Reliquary of St. Anastasios the Persian in Aachen and Rela


This study centers around Byzantine head relics and their receptacles. The first part discusses the so-called Reliquary of St. Anastasios the Persian, a silverwork in the shape of a centralized, domed church that was probably made in Antioch, but was later housed in Aachen Cathedral. The object is c [...]
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