Effective Physical Education Content and Instruction With Web Resource
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Effective Physical Education Content and Instruction With Web Resource

Effective Physical Education Content and Instruction With Web Resource


As a physical educator (or student preparing to become one), you need to know more than the skills, techniques, and tactics of the sports and activities you teach. You need to understand, among other things, how to create task progressions, how to organize and adapt those tasks, and how to detect an [...]
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Adlibris.com Nordens största bokhandel med över 10 miljoner titlar. Alltid låga priser 612.00 kr I lager 2-5 dagar 612.00 kr
Bokus.com Över 6 miljoner titlar Fraktfritt över 100kr Medmera-återbäring på alla köp 682.00 kr I lager 7-10 dagar 682.00 kr

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