Captain Awesome 4 Books in 1! No. 2: Captain Awesome to the Rescue, Captain Awesome vs. Nacho Cheese Man, Captain Awesome and the New Kid, Captain Awe
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Captain Awesome 4 Books in 1! No. 2: Captain Awesome to the Rescue, Captain Awesome vs. Nacho Cheese Man, Captain Awesome and the New Kid, Captain Awe

Captain Awesome 4 Books in 1! No. 2: Captain Awesome to the Rescue, Captain Awesome vs. Nacho Cheese Man, Captain Awesome and the New Kid, Captain Awe


Four Captain Awesome adventures are now available in this second MI-TEE four-book collection Join Captain Awesome, Nacho Cheese Man, and their sidekick, Turbo, as they learn what it means to be a superhero, stop a hamsternapping, investigate a spooky, scary house, and more in this action-packed fou [...]
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